What a vacation!

The last day of our trip was spent in the dental chairs at Dad's office (It's been almost two year's since we were in town, after all!) Owen thought the whole thing was pretty fun at first.

Jonas wanted in on the action too.

When it came to actually laying back in the chair with all the instruments around it--Owen was no longer interested. In fact, there was a melt-down. But in the end, we parents know what's best (right?) so we convinced him to give in. He went home happy with a little bag full of dental office souvenirs, prizes and stickers.

I went home with this lovely souvenir on my cheek. I asked Dad if it's from the shot or just pressure in my mouth or something. "Nope, definitely from the suction!" He said joking. (That would mean it was Mom's fault.) But I don't mind, it'll go away soon, and my tooth feels fine.
Unlike poor Jeremy. His souvenir is a sore mouth.
Dad, Jeremy want's to know when his mouth will stop hurting!
You lucky guys. I love going to the dentist.
I love the really clean feeling my teeth have after the dentist. I wish one could clean mine every morning for me.
I hope someone answered your question, because you certainly don't expect Dad to read your blog, do you? :)
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